Livermore Engagement Session

We first met Kristina and Lisa at the Livermore Valley Wedding Soiree held at Wente Vineyards. It was our first wedding fair experience (scary!), but meeting these two made it all worthwhile. You know that feeling when you meet people and you just know that your paths were supposed to cross? That’s what it was like with Kristi and Lisa. We just knew we had to work with them. So we tracked them down after the event and made plans to meet up.

Over coffee, Kristina shared their incredible story (more on that when we post their wedding photos), then Lisa grilled us with her toughest questions (Have you ever shot a lesbian wedding? How do you plan to encourage a gay couple to interact?) By the end of our coffee date, we were all excited to work together and began coordinating this “practice” session (it seems silly to call it an “engagement” session when you’re working with a couple that’s been together for 30 years, right?!)

Finding a date was the most difficult part. Kristi works in China half the year, and would be out of town until the week prior to their wedding. So, that’s when we got together—just 6 days before their big day. But they seem unphased—not surprising considering they planned the entire event in 6 weeks! Once we began shooting, we were completely smitten with them. These two are seriously adorable together. They radiate love for one another. When Kristi seemed shy or uncomfortable, Lisa would pull her close, make her giggle, and reassure her. They were constantly whispering to each other and keeping one another close. We felt like we should be taking notes–not only on how to keep a relationship strong after 30 years, but also on their health habits–do you see the skin on these two?! Amazing. (Lisa’s a health coach. And yes, we totally nag her for tips!)

st. helena wedding
st. helena wedding
st. helena wedding
st. helena wedding
st. helena wedding
st. helena weddingst. helena weddingWe felt so fortunate to be trusted by these two beautiful women. And after spending this time together, we couldn’t wait to witness their wedding day. (Luckily, 6 days is a short wait!)

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  • So, it's Monday | bryn.ashley :

    […] and I had a great time catching up with one of our favorite wedding couples last week!  Kristina and Lisa!  Best Wednesday night […]

    11 years ago