Mini Sessions!

Mini Session Postcard 2It’s time for our winter mini session!  This is a great opportunity to snag that holiday card photo!  And while it’s not quite winter, it’ll be cool enough for fall clothes – and probably warm enough for shorts if you want to make your non-California friends and family a little jealous 🙂 

What is a mini session?

A mini session is a short photo shoot.  It’s a great way for you and your family to get some awesome pictures together at a lower cost than a typical session rate!

How does a mini session work?

We pick a spot and have you meet us there. We chat and take photos of you and your adorable family for around 20-25 minutes.

What do you get?

We typically deliver 20-25 edited images of you and your family.  For example, a family of 4 would likely get pictures of the whole family, parents together, siblings together, and the kids individually.  We don’t set a specific list of photos, so if you’d like something in particular, please let us know!

When finished, your photos will be available to view online at and you’ll receive a link to download the high resolution images.  You’re free to print and share as you please.  We just ask that the images not be used for anything commercial in nature.

How quick is your turnaround time?

Excellent question!  Our official answer is 3 weeks.  But chances are, we’ll be done sooner.  Need a few photos for that holiday card or birthday invitation?  Let us know and we can zip a few out to you right away.

How do we book a mini session?

Send us a note at and let us know that you’d like to book a session on October 4th!  We’ll get back to you with the time slots available!

That’s it!

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